Finding a Balance

Coming to college, everyone stressed time management and how crucial it was going to be to my success in college. I always kept this in the back of my mind when starting, but even the best get caught up with the struggle of balance and time management. Being here for a few weeks already and finally getting comfortable with my classes, work, extracurriculars, and my time that I have blocked out for myself to study it still becomes hard to find time for simple things like calling my mom, or talking to my friends from back home.

Other days I find myself to have more stuff to do, and less free time than others, which is mostly on days that I have work, but on other days I have enough free time that I do not really know what to do.

The best thing that has helped me keep my balance and being able to manage my schedule and all my assignments was my planner. I use it everyday, and I write all of my assignments, club meetings and when I have little things like advisor meetings and such. I also have a wall calendar on my wall in my dorm that I have also found to be useful. However, I use the wall calendar for bigger things like exams. This helps me by seeing all of my exams that I have throughout the month will then allow me to see how much time I have to study and to make sure I will know all the material that is going to be covered.

Another big thing is blocking out time to do certain things. For example, I block out a block of time twice a week that I use just for going to the gym, and I do the same with my assignments. The time blocking is able to show me how much of my free time I have left after completing everything that has to be done for homework and any other things that I may want to fit into my schedule.

Overall, this time management thing has been something that I have found I am going to have to work at all the time, as the things I am doing from semester to semester will be constantly changing. I know it will definitely change as my workload becomes greater and my classes get harder. But so far, I have found things that have made it work and that will be what I stick with until I feel that a change needs to be made.

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